On Whom Do We Stand?

October 27, 2019
Very simply: God knows our hearts and loves us still. I pray we live lives of honesty toward one another.

The Foundation

October 20, 2019
Banging your toe on the corner of the dresser is a terrible pain to endure.  And more often than not we could have avoided it by turning on a light. …

This Is Our Home for Now

October 13, 2019
There is a saying, “Get out while the getting is good.” But have you ever heard God tell you to stay put, even when it doesn’t make a lot of…
Sometimes we feel inept to serve God.  We are not knowledgeable enough, flashy enough, wise enough, confident enough, etc.  But Paul reminds us that God did not give us these…

Planning for the Future

September 29, 2019
Sometimes we feel overwhelmed when thinking about the future, or what may happen.  Jeremiah was concerned with the fate of his nation.  But God challenges him to invest in tomorrow. …