Jumonville’s Amazon Wishlist
Join us Sunday mornings for worship at 11:15 am. If you are unable to attend in person, join us on Zoom. Contact us for more information.
407 Duquesne Avenue, Trafford, PA 15085
Join us Sunday mornings for worship at 11:15 am. If you are unable to attend in person, join us on Zoom. Contact us for more information.
Trinity UMC is excited to announce the introduction of an electronic option for making one-time or regular offerings. Contributions can now be debited automatically from your checking or savings account or processed using your credit or debit card. Our new electronic giving program offers convenience for you and provides donation consistency for our congregation. To get started, visit our e-giving site, or click on the Donate link at the top of this page, and set up your (recurring) giving schedule. The first time you give you will select a password that will enable you to log in at any time and make changes to your giving or view your complete giving history. We hope you enjoy this new way to contribute to our ministry!
You can still give the old fashioned way by placing your donations in the offering plate on Sunday Mornings. The plate is located at the back of the sanctuary.
If you are unable to attend on Sundays and do not want to use e-giving, you may mail your donations to us at:
Trinity United Methodist Church
407 Duquesne Ave.
Trafford, PA 15085
January 19, 2024