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Apologies for the audio issues, we are still working on the new setup in the social hall.
Ash Wednesday is an invitation to undergo a forty-day Lenten journey-a journey of preparation that culminates in the Triduum (the three days beginning with Holy Thursday), and the Easter celebration.…
God blesses us with high points in life, to help us bear the lows. Like mountain peaks that attract our eyes and lift up our heads, God's blazing light shines…
We are reminded of the blessing it is to choose the ways of God. We hear the invitation to follow God's commandments that lead to the way of life.
In Judaism, there is a notion called "tikkum olam" which is often translated "the repair of the world." According to Jewish tradition, there are divine sparks of light scattered throughout…
Today’s scripture focuses on states of being and doing. How shall I come before the Lord? How must I live my life if I am to abide in the tent…
The people of the world often work very hard to prove they are correct and everyone else is wrong. There are professions and classes dedicated to such endeavors. Our scripture…
This week's scripture beckons us to see and share the light of Jesus Christ. John invites us to "come and see" God's light for ourselves and then share that light…
Being chosen is a powerful theme. God has chosen each of us for different purposes and different paths; we have been chosen from the moment God created us. Today we…
Today's scripture is a promise of light to those who live in darkness, a promise of righteousness to those who suffer at the hands of others. Epiphany is a day…
Our scripture has us looking at the continuation of Jesus' story. The Christmas narrative is only the beginning. What was life like for Joseph after the birth? I find comfort…
The Prophecy of the Messiah: Isaiah 9:2, 6-7; John 1:1-2, 4-5 The Coming of Jesus Is Announced to Mary and Joseph: Luke 1:36-38; Matthew 1:18-25 The Preparations for the Birth…
Christmas is quickly approaching. There is much hope that exists for us in this celebrated day. It reminds us of the great actions that God did in our lives through…
There are few things in this world that we can stand firmly upon. When one thing gives the look of solid footing, it can shift in unexpected ways. But the…
Movement in the Bible is a very common theme. We are not prone to stay in one place throughout our lives. Even if you are someone who is currently feet…
This scripture speaks plainly of grace. Not only are we encouraged by this display, we also are challenged to do the same.
Too often we look at the past with “rose-colored glasses.” Nostalgia colors many things brighter. But with God at our side, the future is brighter still.
We have been called to a purpose that far surpasses our own abilities and plans that are outside of God. But we also have been given all that we need…
Very simply: God knows our hearts and loves us still. I pray we live lives of honesty toward one another.
Banging your toe on the corner of the dresser is a terrible pain to endure. And more often than not we could have avoided it by turning on a light. …
There is a saying, “Get out while the getting is good.” But have you ever heard God tell you to stay put, even when it doesn’t make a lot of…
Sometimes we feel inept to serve God. We are not knowledgeable enough, flashy enough, wise enough, confident enough, etc. But Paul reminds us that God did not give us these…
Sometimes we feel overwhelmed when thinking about the future, or what may happen. Jeremiah was concerned with the fate of his nation. But God challenges him to invest in tomorrow. …
This is often a challenging scripture for many. But as we learned last week, stewardship is a very important theme for Jesus.
Jesus speaks of a well-known topic: Stewardship. We know well to take care of the things we have because they were given to us by God. We know to rejoice…
Philemon is a very personal letter written to a friend on behalf of another friend. Paul challenges Philemon and us to break with cultural conventions and allow God's love to…
Our scripture today calls us to have empathy for others and care for them as we have been cared for by God. Listen. Rejoice. Care. Share God's sustenance with others.
Jesus teaches a challenging lesson on the Sabbath. Often we look for a time of rest when in fact we are being called to action.
Faith binds us together in Christ. It is this faith that brings us and many with us through trials and suffering. Hebrews tells us we are not alone in our…
Paul is extremely concerned about the spiritual well being of the Colossians. He sees our lives with Jesus as the most precious relationship we have. Paul is doing everything in…
Jesus has embraced us as his own. Though the world may pull at us and prod us to do things contrary to Christ's love, Jesus isn't letting go. I pray…
For many of us life is a constant search for who we are. It is important to find our voice in the midst of this busy and noisy world. Colossians…
Paul starts his letter to the Colossians with a word of encouragement and a prayer. Our prayer life is often marked by praying for those things we feel need fixed.…
Miracles do happen in our lives. But often we are not looking in the right direction to see them. Naaman was surprised by the form his miracle took, and it…
Change can be a powerfully scary thing. Powerful change is even more so. Our scripture shows Jesus working a mighty change in the life of this man and it terrifies…
The Trinity can often be a confusing concept. The truth it relays is that God has it all covered. Every inch of our lives and of the history of this…
The way Jesus desires us to love him is by being obedient to his work and teaching. This often seems very daunting to us. But Jesus does not leave us…
Jesus was winding up his ministry on earth and wanted to leave the disciples (and through them, us) with something important. These near final teachings of Jesus help to direct…
It is often the case that we hear what we want to hear. The game of telephone is a funny illustration that communicating is difficult. Add on top of that…
Passover: Matthew 26:17-29 Foot Washing: John 13:1-7 Prediction of Betrayal: Matthew 26:31-35 Communion: Matthew 26:26-30 Jesus Prays for Himself in the Garden: Matthew 26:39, John 17:1-5 Warning of Sleep to…
Good Great News
This is Pastor Jerry's last sermon. Please join us in wishing him well as he begins retirement.
The video mentioned in the service today, "Remind Me Who I Am" by Jason Gray, can be found here: or visit Jason's website at:
(Due to a technical error the first few minutes are missing from the sermon. Sorry for any inconvenience.)
Due to a technical error, the reading of the Bible verse was not captured.