What Is Our Rallying Cry?

February 2, 2020
Today’s scripture focuses on states of being and doing. How shall I come before the Lord? How must I live my life if I am to abide in the tent…

Who Gets Top Billing?

January 26, 2020
The people of the world often work very hard to prove they are correct and everyone else is wrong.  There are professions and classes dedicated to such endeavors.  Our scripture…


January 19, 2020
This week's scripture beckons us to see and share the light of Jesus Christ. John invites us to "come and see" God's light for ourselves and then share that light…

Here He Is

January 12, 2020
Being chosen is a powerful theme.  God has chosen each of us for different purposes and different paths; we have been chosen from the moment God created us.  Today we…