UMCOR School Kits

We are collecting items for school kits which will be distributed by UMCOR to children around the world. Below is a list of items used in the kits. Items with cartoon characters on them are okay. Advertisements and religious, patriotic, military, or camouflage symbols are not okay. All items are due by August 10.

  • Rounded-tip scissors (no plastic scissors)
  • Hand-held pencil sharpeners (at least 1-inch long)
  • 30-centimeter rulers, hard or flexible
  • Unsharpened pencils with erasers
  • 2-inch or larger erasers
  • 24-count boxes of crayons

Operation Christmas Child Packing Party

This community-wide projects takes place on Saturday, August 2 from 9:00 am to noon. Packing will take place at Geiger Plumbing Warehouse, 4018 Route 130, Irwin (when going from Trafford toward Harrison City, it is on the left before you reach Nike Site Road). It is behind the plaza that houses Johnny’s Wife’s Place II & Snap Firness. Volunteers are needed to help pack the boxes. A sign-up sheet is in the vestibule.

We are also collecting funds to help pay for shipment of the boxes. It costs $7 to ship one shoebox of gifts. Please use the envelopes in the pews and note Packing Party on the envelopes. Turn in donations by Sunday, July 27.

Important Summer Events

Annual Church Picnic  Friday, August 8 at 6pm at Jane’s house  Please sign up for the picnic and what dish you are bringing.

Planning Meeting  Saturday, August 9 at 8:45am in the Social Hall  The meeting is for anyone wishing to contribute ideas for the direction of the church in the coming year.